- New Item Paperwork
- Price, UPC, Packaging Notification
- Executing Yearly Promotions
- Remitting Turn Overs
- Remitting EDLP
- Submitting Ad / MCB Agreements
- Assist in Justifying Deductions
- New Item Presentation
- Yearly Retail Ad/TPR Planning
- Monitoring Shelf Placement
- IRC Placements
- Demo Company Recommendations
- Suggesting signage, GF, Organic, Local, etc
- Line Reviews – Fix-the-Mix
- Review Distributor Monthly Specials and Propose Case Stacks deals
- Portal Data Review Against POG
- Staying on TOP of Categories Reviews!
- Inviting Clients to Key Retail Meetings
- Yearly Line Reviews
- Weekly/Bi/Monthly Conference Calls
- Letting YOU know Successes, Needs, Recommendations, etc.
- Relay Competitive Environment
- Advice Retailer/Distributor Events
- Collaborate on Presentations for Meetings and Category Reviews
- Update Retail/Distributor Progress
- Remit ALL Contracts Back to the Client
- Bi-Annual Retail / Ad Planning
- Advise on Overstock Situation & Action Steps to Liquidate
- Review Distributor Go-To-Market Costs and Advise Appropriately
- Reviewing Shrink Reports from Distributors
- Review Distributor Velocity Reports
- Communicate Nor Cal Conditions – New Store Openings/Closures, Strikes
- Weekly/Bi/Monthly Conference Calls
- Working and Knowing the Account Manager
- Yearly Customer Service Training at HQ
- Participating in the Distributor Retail Planning Sessions
- Attending Their Trade Shows